Part 31: Chapter 5, Level 4

After what the last level put me through, the simplicity of this one and then dying two minutes into a preliminary attempt at a test run on the next makes me feel like this expansion is a roller-coaster - starts good, dips to shit, gets back to good, then heads back to shit. We'll have to see how the finale holds up, but given the even number of levels and the existing pattern (considering there were two good levels before it started dipping into shit) I don't really have a good feeling about it at this juncture. Regardless, this level is more than passable even at its worst, and we also get introduced to the final weapon of the combined game.
The Weapons

Pancor Jackhammer
Everyone's favorite shotgun from the '90s, that point in time when people realized mag-fed auto-shotguns were the coolest idea ever but nobody outside of China had both enough money and any fucking clue how to make one that worked correctly. The Jackhammer has a tighter spread than ye old sawed-off and fires faster overall due to the lack of a reloading delay, but deals less damage overall for the amount of ammo used. Primary fire fires shells at a decently-fast rate, while secondary acts like the M16's grenade launcher with the addition of emitting poisonous smoke from the explosion, damaging anyone caught within the cloud. Uses shotgun shells for primary fire, two per shot, and pesticide for secondary, five per grenade.